Monday, May 19, 2014

Coconut Macaroons and Red Velvet Cake Balls

Left: coconut macaroons Right: red velvet cake balls

Yesterday Mr. Glitter Dot and I hosted our fellow worship leaders for a relaxing time of lunch and conversation. Get to know those you minister with! You will see increase in your ministry. I volunteered to make desserts for our lunch and had been craving coconut macaroons for months, like, literally since December. I've made these super easy, super yummy treats several times and each time I fall in love a little bit more.

My first batch of coconut macaroons

I've seen a million (slight exaggeration, but only slight) different cake ball recipes between Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and all the foodie personalities that saturate them with pictures good enough to drool over. While I'd love to tell you that I made the cake and icing from scratch, there simply was not enough time this weekend for such luxuries. Next time though - for sure.

These treats were a huge hit, so I've decided to share :)

Coconut Macaroons

5 C Flaked Coconut
1/3 C All Purpose Flour
1/2 Tsp Salt
1 14oz Sweetened Condensed Milk
2 Tsp Vanilla Extract
*Natural Flavors

*Including but not limited to: rum, almond, banana

Combine flour, coconut and salt in large mixing bowl. 
Add sweetened condensed milk and vanilla extract and mix well (using your hands is best, and you get to lick them off after!).
Place batter in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes
Preheat oven to 350
Spoon onto cookie sheets lined with greased foil
Bake for 15-20 minutes or until coconut is lightly toasted. 
Remove from cookie sheet and place on wire rack to cool

Red Velvet Cake Balls

1 Red Velvet Cake Mix 
1 Cream Cheese Icing
2C Semisweet Chocolate Chips

Prepare cake mix as directed and make sure it is completely cool. 
Remove cake from pan and place in large mixing bowl.
Mix cake and icing until well blended
Shape into rounds using a tea spoon and place onto cookie sheet lined with wax paper
Place cake balls into freezer
*Melt chocolate chips until perfectly smooth
Remove balls from freezer, dip into chocolate and replace onto wax paper to cool

*Melting in the microwave: Place chips in a microwave safe bowl and heat in 10 second increments, stirring each time, until smooth
*Melting on stove top: place chocolate chips in a greased metal bowl that fits over one of of your smaller pots. Fill pot about 1/3 with water and place on stove, on medium/low setting. Place metal bowl with chips over the steaming water and stir occasionally as they melt. 
** Chocolate can melt and retain it's shape. You must stir to prevent burning. 

I hope you enjoy these tasty treats as much as we do!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Home Made Pumpernikel and Tuna Salad

Recently I posted an Instagram picture of one of our favorite meals, tuna salad on pumpernickel.

Since then, I've had several requests for the recipe(s). So, here they are!

Sometime ago, way back in our college years, we were perusing the artisan bread isle of the super market when pumpernickel caught both our attention. We both love our food full of flavor, and already knew we liked pumpernickel, so decided to pick up a loaf. The next day I made tuna salad for lunch and decided to serve it with pumpernickel in place of whole wheat. The combination has become a staple in the Glitter Dot house.

I hope you enjoy this tasty treat as much as we do

Pumpernickel Bread

1 1/2 C Warm Water
2 Tbs Vegetable Oil
1/2 C Molasses
2 C Bread Flour
1 1/2 C Rye Flour
1 C Whole Wheat Flour
4 Tbs cocoa powder
1 1/4 Tbs Caraway Seed (optional)
2 Tbs Vital Wheat Gluten
1 2/3 Tsp Bread Machine Yeast (Instant Dry)

Place all ingredients in your bread machine, in the order listed, and choose the dough only option. 
Once the dough cycle is complete, punch dough down and remove onto lightly floured surface. Shape into a round and place onto greased baking sheet. Preheat oven to 350. Lightly cover dough and let rise until doubled in size, 30-45 minutes. Once final rise is complete, slash the top of the dough to make an "X" and place in oven. Bake for 45 minutes, or until loaf sounds hollow when you tap it. Allow bread to cool, on wire rack, for at least 15 minutes before slicing. 

* For a more flaky, firm, crust: Spritz the inside walls of your oven 5 minutes into baking and again 15 minutes into baking. Make sure you do not hit any of the heating elements or your bread. 

Tuna Salad

1 Can Tuna - Drained
*Chopped Celery
*Sliced Red Grapes
*Sea Salt

*Optional/To taste

Combine all ingredients and allow to chill for at least 1 hour before serving

I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as we do!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Salted Peanut Butter Whip

Tonight Mr. Glitter Dot and I have been invited to a friends house for dinner. The theme is breakfast and we were asked to bring a fruit appetizer.

I sat at the dinning room table, mulling over the various options: fruit kebabs, fruit salad, mini apple pies, fruit whip, etc.

Been there. Done that. BORING. 

Then, I decided to go simple, apple slices and peanut butter. Hmm.... that's sort of plain though, and not the most fun. My fruit whip is yogurt combined with cream cheese (and some other things, recipe will come soon!), so what I need is a peanut butter version. 

I give you my latest, and greatest, concoction

Salted Peanut Butter Whip:

1C Creamy Peanut Butter (crunchy would do too)
1/2C Plain, Fat Free Yogurt 
(honey yogurt would work great too! or you could really be creative and use strawberry for a pb 'n' j dip ;) )
*1/2tsp Salt
*2Tbs Honey
*1Tbs Cinnamon 
*To Taste/Optional

Place all ingredients in your mixer and let 'er rip until they're perfectly combined (about 3 minutes)


Told ya it was simple! 

This is an easy recipe to get creative with and would make a great after school snack. 

More pics to come when it's all put together :) 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Green Goodness

Now that the new house is getting settled, though much slower than I had hoped for, the routine of waking with Ben to make breakfast has begun. 

First up, Kale Smoothies:

Ben's smoothie - 1C skim milk, 2Tbs plain, fat free yogurt, 1 banana, 1 orange, 1 fuji apple, 3 stalks kale, 1tsp honey. Add ingredients to your blender, in that order, and viola! you have an amazingly tasty and healthy breakfast that is easy to eat on the go. 

My smoothie - 1C skim milk, 2Tbs plain, fat free yogurt, 1 fuji apple, 3 stalks kale. 

Colors are an indication of how healthy our food is. 

Don't shy away from this glass of green goodness! 

Hoping you have a smooth-ie Monday!